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Old 07-04-2008, 07:43 PM   #49
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SeattleUte has a little shameless behaviour in the past

Originally Posted by 8ballrollin View Post
That number is very low, but I'll leave it at that. I submit this is the heart of your contempt for stadia - of all types and funding models. You believe it's a base expression of culture for a metropolis. I disagree. Sports teams provide a format for community pride, identity, entertainment and can create milestone markers in its history.

Is Paul Allen an uninteresting contributor to the city?

How was Benaroya Hall funded? I'm asking because I don't know, but I imagine some of the money was public.
What's more critical to our civic culture, great public schools or an NBA franchse? Seattle schools are not exemplary. How about we improve our schools before we start writing seven figure checks to the likes of Howard Schultz.
Did you know evey time there's a big rain storm raw sewage overflows into Puget Sound? How about we fix that first?

Most people don't live and die by their sports teams. They have a passing interest at most. Can you list the last ten NBA chamions?
Most people can't, and don't care.

I hope you aren't suggesting public assistance for a symphony Hall justifies subnitting to owners' extortion for public handouts. The symphony raises money through donations. It's recognized as a form of higher education. Musical education is a demonstrable aid to brain development. The symphoy doesn't threaten to leave, extort money. Ot doesn't grossly overpay its performers. They are fiscally responsible. If Benaroya Hall doesn't get some public assistance there's no symphony because most people aren't equipped to process high culture though our aim should be to expand this form of enlightenment. There's not much enlightening about an NBA game.
Interrupt all you like. We're involved in a complicated story here, and not everything is quite what it seems to be.

—Paul Auster
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