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Old 06-12-2008, 04:18 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Black Diamond Bay View Post
Because it leaves members of the opposite sex alone, denied the opportunity to be in a relationship with someone who possesses the strengths and weaknesses that will inherently compliment their own. Instead there's just a slew of volatile relationships between people of the same sex, trying to fill the role that would ordinarily fall to a member of the opposite sex, and generally falling short of the task. At the end of the day a butch woman is still a woman, and feminine man, is still a man. I've yet to see a gay man that I believed really thinks like a woman, or a lesbian that thinks like a man. Even the transgender in SD, for all her claims that she was really a man, had all the thought processes of a woman.
Ironically, everything stated above about homosexual relationships apply to many heterosexual relationships.....volatile, unfullfilling, falling short, etc..

Also, there are plenty of heterosexuals who are alone, have no hopes or prospects for marriage, and would make lousy spouses. That doesn't make heterosexuality flawed.

My gay friend spent most of his life trying to find fulfillment in sham hetero relationships....but he never found it until he partnered up in a gay relationship. Now he is very happy, been together for 2+ years, and finally has a soulmate.

Also, perhaps it is only my experience, but I find the notion that personality and gender difference will strengthen a relationship to be a flawed notion. If anything, they always seem to be the source of contention in the relationship. Again, could very well be unique to my experience, but I wonder...
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