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Old 06-10-2008, 03:56 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by BigFatMeanie View Post
I had the same experience that MW had about recommending names for teachers when I was the Sunday School president. At one point, I had recommended 4 or 5 different names (not simultaneously - consecutively after the Bishopric rejected each one). Names that I had prayed about and felt good about. Obviously the Bishopric had someone specific in mind so I told the Bishop "Just pick who you think is best Bishop and it will be fine with me". The Bishop said, "we think XYZ would do a great job." I said "sounds good to me."

If the Bishop had XYZ in mind then he could have simply given me a list of possible candidates that included XYZ and let me pray about it instead of going through a repetitive and fruitless process. I'm currently serving in my second Bishopric with a great Bishop and in both of my Bishopric experiences I've seen the Bishopric suggest some possible names to an organizational head and have the organizational head pray about it and select one of those candidates instead of floundering around with name after name after name when the Bishopric already had someone in mind. But, I guess in your world neither I nor my past or present Bishopric really understand how the priesthood is supposed to operate...
I believe I just suggested that collaboration is a good thing. I just suggested Mike talk to the bishop and ask him about what would be a more effective way to make recommendations. I agree that playing "guess what's on my mind" is a bad thing for a bishop to do. And I understand that it's frustrating to get repeat rejections ... a smart bishop will notice this is happening and take steps to correct it so his leaders don't feel like Mike feels.

The principle that's being lost here is that it's not an auxiliary leader's role to call. When in these callings you pray about someone for a position, you must always approach it with the caveat that the Lord may direct the bishop elsewhere. As I said before, the moment you've decided that this person is "IT"--that's been confirmed by revelation that they are THE MAN--you have overstepped your bounds.
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