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Old 06-02-2008, 06:16 PM   #1
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Default The Flying Scotsman

I realize that this is a movie review and technically should be in the Artsy Fartsy forum, but really how many people even care about this movie.

I caught it on Netflix a couple of weeks ago. Overall I thought it was a decent movie. Graham Obrea's story was a fascinating one, complete with the highs of holding the world one-hour record and world champion in the track pursuit, to his battle with major depression.

I was not into cycling at the time (early 90's) and in fact was out of touch with the world at the time on a mission, so the whole story was new to me. It just blows me away that he or anyone could average something like 34 mph for an entire hour. (Someone other than Quisquyeno, that is.)

The cycling technique was almost laughable, but that was my only real complaint. That, and the fact that the camera quality was such that it had the appearance of being filmed in the early 80's right alongside Chariots of Fire.

Its worth a rent.
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