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Old 05-29-2006, 07:13 PM   #11
Cali Coug
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Cali Coug has a little shameless behaviour in the past

Originally Posted by MikeWaters
take a second.

imagine the uproar if Fox News was banned.

and then compare that with the "ill effects" of Fox News.

You can't compare. there would be much worse fallout by banning Fox News.

Same thing if you did that with Al Jazeera. What are you going to do? Blow up their satellites? It was leaked a while back that Bush actually had plans to destr oyAl Jazeera. I recollect that maybe it was Blair that talked him out of it?

Hoya, I am surprised at your position. Has Tex taken over your account?
Ha! Heaven forbid I ever agree with Tex!

You can't compare the effect of banning a media outlet in the US to banning one in Iraq. They have a culture there that is used to dramatic measures.

This may not be a popular modern liberal position, but it is certainly consistent with historical forerunners of modern liberalism. Hamilton, Jay, FDR, all did virtually identical things.

It seems to me we need to improve things in Iraq. It seems to me the only way to do that is to improve our image there. It seems to me the only way to improve our image is to control the media images.

Could be I am missing a step, but as long as UBL is given airtime once a month to talk about the evil Americans, and as long as Al Jazeera is streaming images of the bad things Americans are doing (and unfortunately there is far too much of that as well) we are going to continue to lose this war of ideas and we are going to wind up with a very bloody future to deal with (both American and Iraqi blood).
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