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Old 03-19-2008, 09:06 PM   #49
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To try and generalize Texas A&M based on the actions of some on this board is ridiculous. I am a Muslim, and I love this board. I love everyone on here, even those who may deride and ridicule my religion.

As a Muslim in the Corps of Cadets(supposedly the most bigoted of all students), I faced many questions about my religion, even some ridicule. However, most who asked me questions came to understand my faith, and respect it as well. I was free to practice my faith without threat of harassment whatsoever. I even had Christian chaplains within the Corps encourage a position for a Muslim chaplain. I can't say I didn't experience some intolerance, but I experienced a whole lot more tolerance.

I think something you have to understand as a religious minority is most people are going to naturally view your faith as wrong. Some will feel threatened by it, and then a few will even resort to hateful and vitriolic means in order to further degrade your faith. However, if your return course of action is to label them as ignorant and intolerant, and in turn discontinue defending your faith, then my friend, they have won. Your best hope as a minority is to love them, try and understand where they come from, and continue to share what it is inside of you that makes your faith so great. You will see that most people in our great nation (or this board, or Texas A&M University) will come to understand, and even begin to respect your beliefs.

Listen, I feel you on the fact it sucks to have people ridicule your practices or judge your faith based on the actions of others. Trust me, some of the sickest and craziest people in this world claim to base their very being on the religion that has made me a good man. But if you truly believe in your church and their actions, defend them with love, don't go throwing the same bull dung that others have launched at you. I think had Jesus(pbuh) gone to Jerusalem A&M and seen hateful things on about Christianity, he would have responded in a loving manner, never backing down from what he believed in.
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