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Old 03-14-2008, 01:04 AM   #9
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ERCougar is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Requiem View Post
Obviously, true LDS history is much different than the sanitized version I grew up with - and to think I have CG to thank for helping me see the light (jk).

In some respects it is a source of anger and frustration to consider that there was and is a certain of degree of brainwashing of LDS youth. With the plethora of new information available, it is a certainty there are many like myself who are troubled to find the truth is intentionally withheld. Contrary to Nicholson's famous line, we can handle the truth. And should have received it in the beginning.

The crisis comes in attempting to reconcile the multiple discrepancies and determine what is factual - if that is even feasible. Alot of wisdom in your advice (which I am certain was the intent).
While I can understand the anger and frustration you're describing, I'm not entirely convinced we CAN handle the truth as youth. Youth and teenagers tend to view things as black and white, either all-good or all-bad, IMO. It's not until later in life that you start to realize all of the shades in between and can handle the imperfections of a hero. It seems like that ability is a measure of maturity that all of us go through at some point.

For example, I'm not really angry at our school system for not teaching me about Sally what's-her-last-name when we were discussing Jefferson. I'm still not sure it's entirely important, as we respect him more for his intellectual ideas. But I think if I had known this as a youth, it might have cast a shadow over his legacy.

Another example--MLK. I had a seminary teacher tell me as a freshman about his philandering. For years, this stuck with me, and I overlooked the amazing contributions he made, because of this simple weakness.

What bothers me is when the Church acts like we still can't handle the truth as adults--but I'm not sure I have a better solution in handling things. As an organization, I don't think it's wise to flaunt your worst aspects.
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