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Old 03-04-2008, 06:28 PM   #2
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Why do you say that? Do you actually think that "Big Science" is illegally discriminating against those that want to teach religion in science class? Do you actually think those that are not able to publish legitimate research should be given special treatment and still be able to receive tenure? Do you actually think that litigation is the way a legitimate scientific theory would choose to gain acceptance?

ID has been thoroughly debunked by scientists, so creationists recognize they have no chance to gain acceptance other than to force themselves upon the establishment through lying to the public and through pressuring the courts. Of course, they frame the discussion in such dishonest ways as to make it seem like they have been "expelled," when in reality they have been rejected in the same way that thousands of other hypotheses have been rejected when they are not supported by the evidence. They are trying to circumvent the scientific method because they know that's the only way they have a chance.

Do you want your kids being taught born-again style fundamentalism in science class? Why? Would you want your kids being taught Muslim or Hindu creation stories in science class? Why can't we just teach science in science class?
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