Thread: Hillary is done
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Old 02-20-2008, 04:52 PM   #32
Jeff Lebowski
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Originally Posted by SeattleUte View Post
I've always felt more at home in the Republican party because of my aversion to dogma and and dogma's necessary hostility toward reason. I appreciate the frailty of reason, and empiricism, and the necessity of endless dialogue and examination. The irony of the democratic party is that it is hostile to America's nutty homregrown religions precisely because the democratic party is itself a kind of religion. Ironically, the Republican party is more of a big tent. Like all big tents, it houses a lot of people whose beliefs are just plain crazy or wrong. Like all religions, the democratic party tends, if unchecked by secular forces, toward fanatacism.

So now we have a spectarular failure of a Republican president, a man of lifelong low achievement and low intelligence, a pawn of unrealistic idealogues, our Nero if you will, and this election should be easy pickins for the democrats. But what do they do? Like all religions, they overplay their hand. Watch them blow it. Contemptuous of the silent, sensible majority, the democrats are setting themselves up for one of the big political shockers in our history.
We can only hope.

Well said.
"... the arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice." Martin Luther King, Jr.
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