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Old 02-18-2008, 06:37 PM   #28
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This discussion reminds me of a snippet from Bowling for Columbine.

Michael Moore is talking to James Nichols at his home and James is discussing his views on the OKC bombing and the investigation that followed.

James claimed to sleep with a loaded .44 under his pillow. Michael Moore questions whether he is exaggerating. After some coaxing, James takes Moore over to his pillow and, sure enough, a loaded .44 under his pillow.

I guess I dont see the need. Maybe I live in a bubble or ignorant of the peril all around me. Thank goodness.

I also found it interesting that Moore continues his conversation with Nichols and a discussion about the right to bear arms ensues. The question becomes, "at what point do we impost limits on which "arms" people can bear?" Since the constitution does not specifically mention guns, is weapons-grade plutonium my right to own in my house? Can I arm myself with that?

I will pass on the guns and hopefully nobody breaks into my house. And if someone breaks into my house, they can have my TV. I can always buy another.
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