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Old 01-24-2008, 10:55 PM   #44
Cali Coug
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Cali Coug has a little shameless behaviour in the past

Originally Posted by Tex View Post
I really don't understand your pugilism on this.

I make a perfectly legitimate statement. You challenge it. I provide proof of my statement, and you devolve to a bizarre combo of attacking me, attacking the source, and claiming I'm stating the obvious. Odd.
When you posted that there were rumors of the DNC admitting Florida and counting their delegates, I assumed you meant some rumor of possible substance, not the wandering thoughts of journalists from around the country who had no actual basis in fact for their wandering thoughts. What's more, this debate isn't even about whether there are "rumors." That is what you are trying to make it, because you have no recourse at this point. The actual question we have been discussing is whether the DNC is likely to admit Florida PRIOR to the point at which the nominee is decided (because that would make Florida important).

Your "proof" that you have provided is as helpful as the "proof" that I provided that there are rumors that Tex is a big Hillary supporter. Whoopdy-doo.

I am not "attacking the sources" you have provided. They have expressed an opinion, and I have expressed mine. What I have attacked is your nonsensical referral to those sources as some sort of legitimizing factor in this debate. You have yet again confused a statement of opinion as a statement of fact.

Whether or not 1 journalist or 10,000,000 journalists express an opinion on a topic, it doesn't make their opinion any more or less true (to say otherwise is a fallacy, and one you commonly fall into). And whether that journalist does, in fact, write for the largest paper in the largest city of Florida's northern neighbor isn't at all relevant either (you are falling into yet another one of your favorite logical fallacies there). Did they report something factual, or did they report their opinion? Pretty clearly, it was the latter.

At least, from experience, I know not to expect much from you in these conversations. Now I have no reason to be disappointed when you yet again produce nothing but crap.

And "pugilism?" That is an odd application of the word. Did you get a new word calendar for Christmas?

Last edited by Cali Coug; 01-24-2008 at 10:57 PM.
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