Thread: Advice needed.
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Old 05-04-2006, 02:31 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Lehi Utah
Posts: 320
Default Advice needed.

I think I know the answer to this. But i thought I would throw it out their for discussion.
I have a son who is 8 1/2. He seems to show some natural physical ability for cycling. As soon as he learned to stay up without the training wheels he starting doing seat stands, riding with no hands, and tearing around the block as fast as he can. He also regularly runs a mile without coercion from me.
He is getting his first moutain bike today and has expressed interest in racing.
So my question is this: Should I try and put him on a regular training schedule? Or shouls i teach him some basic technical skills and let destiny take its course?
I won't be overbearing. I will be supportive. But should I try to instill a little discipline at this age? I don't want to burn him out.
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