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Old 12-21-2007, 06:40 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by BYU71 View Post
No, I wasn't offended at all. I was curious as to whether you were making the statement as a matter of fact statement or an opinion statement.

My math teachers did love me by the way, it was my best subject.

Religion wasn't my best because some people wanted to act like they knew something for sure, when I realized they had no way of knowing for sure.

They would say something like, the garden of eden was in Missouri. I would say is that your opinion or are you stating it as fact. They then would say something about 2+2 is 4 and how does my math teacher like me.
I'm sorry, have we not met? I'm woot, and I'm not religious. Stating that the garden of Eden was not in Missouri is not religious. It is obvious fact based several independent disciplines. First, the garden of eden is part of a metaphorical (or "false" if that's too presumptuous) creation myth, and never actually existed. We know this in various ways which have been discussed extensively on this forum. Therefore, we know it wasn't in Missouri since it wasn't anywhere. Second, plate tectonics is a well-established scientific theory, and we have a pretty good idea of when Pangaea existed. It wasn't during the time of "Peleg" or any other human. Therefore, even if we pretend that the garden of eden existed, it couldn't have been in Missouri.

When scientific principles are occasionally instructive concerning religious matters, they don't temporarily become opinions for the duration of the religious conversation.
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