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Old 12-19-2007, 09:53 PM   #44
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SeattleUte has a little shameless behaviour in the past

Originally Posted by DJRoss View Post
Blow smoke up someone elses butt. First of all, I never claimed that women should or should not do anything. I made a point that women are better mothers than men. Yes you can find women who should not have or raise children, but generally women are better than men. Try hard to disprove this and you will fail. Bring up stories, research showing child development and you can say "see see men can be just as good"

Well men cannot breast feed, at least the ones I hang around with , men cannot achieve that maternal bond that is tied to the fact that the child has known its mothers heartbeat, pulse and biological rhythm for nine months. There is so much more going on here than guiding and directing. The maternal bond is irreplaceable. For every fantastic Mr. Mom out there there are tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of women who are better. That is not toe to toe.

Secondly, women cannot compete with men on every level toe to toe. You are truly stupid to swallow such nonsense. Try rucking a 25 miler in the hills with full gear, while keeping your weapon ready, locked and loaded. None of the female platoons even came close to our pace. Even the last male fat lard soldier in the last platoon showed up almost 30 minutes ahead of the first female.

Hell, even during basic training you see females starting and ending their PT doing what? Oh yeah lady pushers since they lack the strength to lift their petite frames doing a regular push up. Take a look at a standard PT test and see what men have to do vs women to pass. Toe to toe my ass.

Try having a female fire"person" carry a 220lb man on her shoulders down three flights of steps within sufficient time limits as to pass her section. Now see her do it three or four times during a real incident when clearing an apartment bldg with hundreds of people trapped. The CPAT for men and women when recruiting firefighters are different. Why? Because if they were the same, women would rarely if ever hang. They are too arduous?

Sorry, but for every woman that can actually hang to some degree with men in situations like these, there are tens of thousands of men if not hundreds of thousands of men that could. That isn't exactly toe to toe.

Ever take a Womens Studies course? Part of their curriculum illustrates why womens values are superior to those of men. What kind of garbage is that? Think about it for a second.
Hoss, who carries hod better has nothing to do with whether women should stay at home sitting on their hands all day.
Interrupt all you like. We're involved in a complicated story here, and not everything is quite what it seems to be.

—Paul Auster
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