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Old 12-19-2007, 09:19 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by BYU71 View Post
To say a womens place is in the home is sexist, I will agree. To say women in general are better suited to be full time parents as opposed to men, I just don't see how one could argue that. We probably wouldn't have to even argue it if full time Mom's were given the accolades they deserve.

If this weren't the case, I would argue that more kids, primarily minorities, wouldn't be on TV thanking their moms and grandmoms.

There is no reason to think that a woman entering medical school and a male entering medical school that the male will end up the better Dr.

ON the other hand, I think there is ample evidence that you could make a guess in general which gender would make the better stay at home parent and which gender would do better at sitting at a bar getting drunk.
Do you hate yourself? I can't imagine the motivation behind characterizing one's sex so poorly. I've known women who could drink me under the table, and I've known women that are way better with kids than me (Almost all of them in this case, as kids aren't really my thing). These sorts of generalizations are sexist and not supported by the facts.

You don't think there could possibly be any other reason why people say "Hi Mom" on TV?
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