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Old 12-19-2007, 07:36 PM   #20
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Default Yeah, go live in Europe for 15 years like I did to...

Originally Posted by SeattleUte View Post
See, my point exactly. This is what mainstream Mormons believe. They're sexist, myopic, and ignorant when it comes to women.
see the ramifications of your view. To equate an understanding of natural differences (strengths and weaknesses) between men and women as sexist, myopic and ignorant means your ears and eyes are shut.

I heard the same crap being spewed by A Swedish coalition of feminists during the debates on whether Sweden was to join the EU or not. They had traveled down to Greece, Spain and Italy and their rhetoric was filled with the same finger pointing as yours. Oh how these Mediterranean women were oppressed having to stay home and take care of the children, having no college education, no careers, no opportunities to grow, blah blah blah.

The irony is that two major news agencies in Germany and Sweden actually spent some time interviewing women from the above mentioned countries and they were shocked that many of these Spanish, Italian and Greek women would actually point the finger back at the Swedes and claim that the Swedish women were the ones truly oppressed since they had to fill the roles of nurturer and breadwinner. They felt that the pressure these women put on themselves to replace roles that men had filled for so long only served to make them even more unhappy than they already were. These Mediterranean women were clear on how they valued themselves, and how important their role in the lives of their family and society were. The Coalitions work was actually hurt by this exposure, and they quickly disappeared from the media as their arguments didn't hold water. Imagine that. In socialist Sweden where Daddies can get time off of work to be Mr. Mom, and the state funded day care system has all but replaced the nurturing care of parents.

Sometimes when something has been working for thousands of years, trying to change it due to an overinflated ego of self importance and skewed perspectives on the worth of souls (money, prominence, worldly recognition), you have to ask yourself who the backward, myopic, and ignorant people are.
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