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Old 12-09-2007, 04:27 AM   #51
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Default No problemo.

Originally Posted by BYU71 View Post
criticism here. You all pretty much know I am a CC Legacy member.

Mentioning that or where I sit seems to set some people off. Saying that seems to indicate I am announcing I am better than they are or rich or some other kind of bullshit, my opinion.

What I am trying to express is perhaps the feeling of people who are Legacy members. While they are not better people, let's face facts, those who contribute have more influence in our society. They aren't better people, but they do have more influence. It also doesn't mean they are rich, it could have been my very last $10,000 to my name and the kids aren't going to get anything.

I was trying to give a perspective that I know 3 Legacy members who aren't buying tickets this year and their reasons why. I happen to buy my allotment as a request from CB members. I am out now $1850, I hope I get the money.

Is their no value in expressing how some Legacy members feel and it is always just seen as a chance to express one is better and richer than others.
I know plenty of people who have more money than brains.
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