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Old 12-01-2007, 05:56 PM   #138
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Originally Posted by DJRoss View Post
So if you disagree with me you are supporting Waters view that Romney is evil. If you agree with me, than you support my view that Waters went to fall in characterizing Romney as being evil.
I do disagree with you, but only on the points you and I discussed. I wasn't involved in the thread earlier, nor in your interchange with Waters.

I dont think Mitt is evil. I think he says whatever (or refrains from saying something) to get votes. What you perceive as pragmatism on Mitt's part, I perceive as lightweight political gamesmanship.

To whit:

1. Mitt IS evil, but only in the sense that we are all, as natural men, an enemy to God.
2. Mitt in his day to day life does not appear to be evil, at least not to me.
3. Mitt is not a great debater. He is decent, but not great
4. My belief is that had Mitt just answered the question with a yes or no, like McCain did, our country would be at the same level of safety/threat that it was last week. It would have absolutely no bearing on anything.
5. Mitt's Grecian formula weave needs a new color application, as his grey is showing
6. I probably know more about guns than Mitt
7. Your avatar with you and your daughter in scepia tones is quite nice.
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