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Old 12-01-2007, 06:09 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Cali Coug View Post
Now you are just getting ridiculous. Are you really going to try and make an argument that the "best presidents" were the least religious, and where there are exceptions they succeeded in spite of their religion? By all means, Woot, Woot it up!!! I truly cannot wait to read that stimulating Wootercise.

Have you really become so jaded with religion that you can't even acknowledge that some of the nation's greatest leaders WERE religious (and that their religion wasn't a handicap to them)? Seriously, please post your treatise.

And the fact that you are savvy enough to know that there is a category of creationism called "young earth creationism" should have alerted you to the fact that creationism is a general category with subsets and should have alerted you to the fact that there could be another subset dealing with a non-young earth (like old earth). The fact that you haven't heard it used in that context isn't the best evidence you could provide that creationism is redundant with young-earth creationism.

Maybe I should try that tactic. Woot- I have never heard of the big bang. Ergo, there was no big bang. And I REALLY pay attention. So that has to be important.
I'm the one who acknowledged that there are those who believe in creation and evolution at the same time. You're confusing the belief with the use of a label.

As I suggested, I won't bother trying to educate you about the anti-religious leanings of many of our greatest presidents. If you're interested, look it up. Why does this stuff offend you so? You're really acting like a jackass.
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