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Old 11-18-2007, 01:06 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Brian View Post
The more I learn about people, meet people, learn about their lives, their experiences, the less and less I believe that life is a test. I don't think God is that evil. Life is an experience. God made up an individual itinerary for everyone. Everyone needed something different, so everyone got something different. How else do we reconcile what we see here on earth? The idea that I was better in heaven and was sent to a middle class mormon family in the US and some starving kid in Africa was evil is just sickening. God isn't an asshole. Everyone's itinerary is exactly what is needed to perfect them. God is a nice guy. He likes us. We're all supposed to screw up, majorly, very majorly. It's all about experience.
I think life is a test, but there is a different answer key for everyone. We will be judged based on how we responded to our given "itenerary" as you put it. There is no way a just God could hold that starving kid in Africa to the same standard as you (Mormon middle class family in your own words). But that doesn't mean we won't all be judged. Where much is given, much is required has a corollary. Where little is given, little is required. I firmly believe that.

Take me for example. Some of you know I grew up in foster care and then a children's home. My life was figuratively (if not literally) "saved" by a retruned missionary houseparent at the home where I lived who introduced me to the gospel. I also had the benefit of a saintly Christian grandmother who was a powerful influence in my life from the very earliest years (she was the one who talked me into going on a mission and paid for it for example). Not the best childhood for sure, BUT, I did join the church when I was 15, went on a mission, married in the temple, etc. There is no question in my mind I will be held to a much higher standard than my peers at the home where I grew up who did not have those influences or perhaps someone from a similar background who joined the church at say age 35 and didn't have those opportunities at such a young age. And I imagine there are those where even more was given (LDS family, etc.) who will be held to a higher standard than I will.

Mullahs tend to be really into justice and say things like "well yes God is merciful but he is also just". Flip that on its head and tell me how God could be considered just if that starving kid in Africa is held to the same standard as the son of an Apostle.

Justice requires that we be graded on a curve.

Last edited by FMCoug; 11-18-2007 at 01:12 PM.
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