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Old 11-08-2007, 11:21 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by creekster View Post
Hmmm. WHat you said was:

The 'its' pronoun referred to Indycoug's question to you whether a claim of ANY lamanite ancestry was false. Despite your protestations, then, your oringial comment clearly labeled it a 'fantastical' idea not because it was in a boy's head, bu becaseu it was disproveable. The other possible meaning that could be ascribed to your statement is that the idea was so inherently fantastical that it obviously fit in with other (undefined) fantastical ideas. I suppose it is also possible to read this as stating that the fact that Indycoug asked about Lamanite ancestry made it fantastical, but could you be so small minded as to be critical of the use of the name 'lamanite' when it seemed pretty clear he was using it to refer to persons of mid eastern or even plaestinian descent? Or is that just an example of your poor reading comprehension? Hard to say, then, what it is you actually did mean, which is sort of Arch's point.

Now I have been known to miss the point before, and maybe I did here, but I have rarely seen someone as arrogant and certain about their own knowledge and abilities without demonstrated cause as you.
I don't understand the desire to try to fit my words into your desired interpretation when I'm right here providing the interpretation. To me, my meaning was glaringly obvious. If that's not the case, I apologize, but have since clarified it repeatedly.
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