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Old 10-30-2007, 09:57 PM   #37
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"House" is one of the very few shows that I watch every week, so perhaps I can provide some perspective.

The main character, Dr. House, is an obnoxious atheist misanthrope who is constantly doing things that are illegal and unethical in order to benefit his patients. The basic idea behind his character is that he probably cares about his patients, but that his motivation for being such an excellent doctor is personal pride more than anything. Some atheists think this show is a coup for raising awareness for atheism, while some see it as an affront, as Dr. House embodies the inaccurate stereotypes that many people have of atheists. I just think it's a good show and think he's an interesting character, so I don't mind either way.

Cole, the Mormon character on the show, if anything represents a coup for mormon awareness. Sure, House throws some pretty funny and stereotypical insults at him, but Cole stands his ground, proves that the well being of others is more important to him than some of the more trivial Mormon practices, is black, is an unmarried father, and just an all-around regular, non-fanatical person.

In the last episode, he even punched House in the face in response to one of his insults, which I'm sure a lot of Mormon viewers cheered at.

The deseret news article is the result of a small mind.

Last edited by woot; 10-30-2007 at 10:11 PM.
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