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Old 04-05-2006, 09:04 AM   #14
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Default Re: Documented examples of CougarGuard censorship.

Originally Posted by SeattleUte
Originally Posted by Robin
This thread is not a complaint.

It as a simple way for the people of CG to monitor the kinds of things that get censored here. as a check against the POTENTIAL abuse of the TWO mods.

If you are aware of an example of CG censorship, please write a non-offending description of the censored post below. If you are aware of someone else's post getting censored, mention it, to the best of your memory (I doubt that grapevine is going to come forward with ALL of his racist posts, but it would be good to have mention of a few here, to simply sample the flavor of the censoring trends of CG).
Censorship is not an appropriate or interesting subject unless the topic under discussion involves government limiting or controlling or banning speech. Social norms limit or control the content of speech all the time. For example, and educated, cultured person would not attend a socil event attended by peers and make some of the remarks grapevine makes about blacks or he'd find himself left off the guest list next time or ostracized. Nor would he make rude and insensitive remarks to his host. Somebody may kick a guest out of his house for being an ass and nobody would cry "censorship." You write a letter to the New York Times complaining about an article, and the paper doesn't publish it. Is that censorship? Hypersensitivity about censorship in a purely private environment is always amateurish. I'm not even sure the term "censorship" applies in a purely private setting. Maybe the word necessarily connotes government involvemnt.
When my posts are deleted, that is certainly censorship. You might find that it is appropriate censorship, but some people were 'protected' from reading my posts, and that definitely meets the minimum standard.

This thread is not intended to cry foul about censorship. It simply exists to document its existence. I tend to think that most people on this list have no problem with my 'temple talk' getting shut down. I'm not listing it seeking sympathy. But some day, the level of censorship might reach a level that other find unacceptable. If that day ever comes, I hope this thread might be a useful document to help all to understand how the board started at A and ended at B. You can debate the meaning of censorship all you want. As it pertains to THIS thread, it simply means that a post was deleted by a moderator. So, if Grape uses a raciist term, and his post gets shut down, that is 'censorship,' even if it is something we all agree should happen. This thread isn't going to stop censorship. It is just going to make transparent the NATURE of censorship on this board.

The thread might even have a positive effect on the cesors, if they know that their actions will be made public. I wrote a post that neither quoted anything from the temple nor used any questionable language. It DID point out the fact that other posts of mine remained on the board in spite of AAA's wish that they would be taken of. Archaea (presumably) erased the post, perhaps to flex his muscles? Perahps to be funny? If the board things there is a problem with censorship to 'flex one's muscles,' then maybe making that kind information public is a good idea.

Transparency is generally a good thing in the control of abuse/potential abuse.
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