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Old 10-19-2007, 04:26 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by creekster View Post
Lennon's death probably fixed the bEatles for younger people, but they were already mythic by that time for my genreation. I was on my mission when Lennon was killed. I think in many ways his death was like JFK's death for my parents. I recall very clearly exactly wehre I was and what I was doing the day I learned the music died (I know, that song refers to somebody else, but you get the point).
Me, too. I was watching MNF with my family and Cosell dropped the bomb. My older sister cried.

I was only about 8 then, but my explained to me that John was the singer who sang all the songs we listened to in the car and he had been shot.

We would stay in NYC in the summers with our cousins and that following summer we went to the Dakota. Whenever I am in NYC, I usually wind up trying to swing by their, or now Strawberry Fields in Central Park. It is fun to read the tributes people leave to John and the Beatles from all over the world and to see the continued impact their music has on peoples' lives.

Truly, it could be argued that Imagine is the greatest song ever written.

When I went into Junior high, my mom let me read Catcher in the Rye. It has remained my favorite book of all time ever since then (sort of a sentimental favorite).
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