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Old 10-17-2007, 09:13 PM   #52
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 474
Requiem is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by jay santos View Post
In my ward, a friend of mine his son came home from his mission after about six months. He was a straight arrow, model citizen, kind of kid you want your kids to look up to and emulate. The story the family gave was that he suffered from depression. My friend wouldn't open up with me the whole story but based on bits and pieces I theorized there might have been an immorality issue that either was the real reason or was the root cause of the depression/guilt.
It is difficult to assess the level of "behind the doors" suffering experienced by families with children sent home early from missions - or for that matter, families who suffer from a myriad of crises. Because missions are often viewed as a "rite of LDS passage" it is at times viewed very publicly as a failure of the parents if the missionary returns home early. The Bishop can only do so much in these situations. The collective reaching out and bearing of burdens by a ward and stake can have significant impact.
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