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Old 10-17-2007, 08:28 PM   #41
Mrs. Funk
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I think there's a huge problem across the board with missionaries being judged for being sent home, regardless of the reason. I've known people who were sent home for a letigitmate medical reason (and I do consider chronic depression or other psychological issue a legitimate medical reason) who had people in their wards question the legitimacy of a "medical release." The assumption is that that there must have been some underlying morality issue trying to be disguised as a medical condition.

That said, people sent home for morality problems need to be given more understanding than they receive. A friend of mine came home from the MTC- turns out he'd slept with his nonmember girlfriend before leaving on his mission. Now, don't get me wrong. He shouldn't have gone with that unresolved and it was right that he was sent home. However, he was crucified by the community. His family was crucified by the community. Even his girlfriend was called a "slut" and a "whore" for sleeping with him before his left.

Is there no mercy? He'd already been sent home. I'm not saying that people should excuse his behavior, but condemnation is not the way to handle this. His parents are good people. His nonmember girlfriend hadn't made temple covenants to abstain from sexual relations.

I think this mindset of condemnation is a huge problem.
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