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Old 10-10-2007, 07:01 AM   #118
Burning Bright
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Originally Posted by SeattleUte View Post
No. I bet I spend more time and more quality time than you. To pretend all time spent with kids is of equal value is the cop out. For example, If you have a television set and park your kids in front of it to give yourself or your spouse some peace or so you can watch your own shows on your second TV you are creating the same bad environment as the worst kind of day care. What's imporatant is the gross amount of quality interaction with adults who say intelligent things to them and do enriching activities with them. It IS important to ensure quality time.
When my first one was one year old we decided to toss the tv. We canceled our cable and since then we've had no tv reception. I think the majority of TV is crap and I don't want it in our house.

We do have dvd players so we can control and monitor what comes into our house. There are good shows and dvds and this way we can pick and choose.

My 14 month old doesn't watch dvds. My five year old probably averages an hour a day.

If your point is that daycare is better than parking your kid in front of the TV all day, I'd probably agree with you. But that's like saying herpes is better than AIDS. They both suck.

However, if you're a good parent, you raise your own kids and either eleminate or strictly control tv/dvds.

I never said all time spent with kids is of equal value. I'm just saying that if you spend any amount of time with your kids, you're gonna spend lots of quality and non-quality time with your kids. If someone says they only spend quality time with their kids, they must not be around them very much.

As far as amount of time you spend with your kids, unless you work from home or are disabled with no job and just hang out at home, there's no way you spend more time with your kids than I do. Unless you meet one of those criteria (or something very similar), it's just not physically possible.

If you do meet one of those criteria, then why are you messing around with daycare? Assuming your spouse hasn't died or nothing tragic has happened.

Last edited by Burning Bright; 10-10-2007 at 07:04 AM.
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