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Old 03-24-2006, 08:19 AM   #1
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Default I really do hate the hippies at my school

So on our student elections for the SBA at my school they had a measure on there for funding for a program known as the Loan Repament Assistance Program (LRAP). This program is for students who graduate at pursue a career in public interest law. If you make below a certain amount you get money towards paying off your loans.

So the question was first if you would support an increase in tuition for this, and if so how much a semester. Well the yes people won overwhelmingly and the amount was overwhelming for the highest contribution amount of $25 a semester.

I know it is a small amount but this really does upset me. First I hope that I am in no position to have to benefit from this program, I'm hoping to make more then the low end for this. Second I already pay 25K a year in tuition, and I am certainly not for making it more even if it another 50 bucks a year.

The thing is there are a lot of trust funders at my school. It may not mean much to them to add to the money they are paying for education, but for me you better damn well know that it matters. So the trust funders are happy with chipping in some extra money, but I am far from happy for this.
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