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Old 09-29-2007, 03:14 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Solon View Post
So, wait a second. I'm prone to "sweeping generalizations" while prejudicially focusing on a specific time and place? Which is it?

Christianity's origins, myths, and cycles are not a global phenomenon, in my opinion. Did you think I said so? I can't tell what, exactly, you're accusing me of.

Why would I mention Chinese history when discussing the origins of (western!) Christianity? Seems like a red herring to me, but obviously you have something in mind. Sure, the Greeks weren't in a vacuum, but their innovations have impacted today's (western) world - the world you and I live in - more than any other ancient culture.

I take umbrage at your insinuation that I'm somehow prejudiced or narrow-minded because I don't discuss the cultures of the far east. I would, if I felt it appropriate. The religion you and I are most familiar with - modern, western Christianity - especially LDS faith - is a product of western tradition. The Chinese, Indian, African, or Native American cultures and traditions had negligible influence on the ideas that formed the creeds, doctrines, and theologies of today's Christian and LDS church. If you disagree, please provide a rationale and counter-argument.

Also, a few specific examples of my malfeasance would help me understand what you're getting at. I'm not trying to pick a fight, TB, just trying to follow you better. Your criticism is a bit mystifying to me, since this thread was begun as a report of some comparative myth in western thought - myth that continues to hold resonance in today's Christian, especially LDS world.

If you'd like to do some comparative myth with some non-western cultures, be my guest, but I imagine you'd be hard pressed to find anything that correlates with the origins of contemporary Christian / LDS culture and belief.
My intent is not to harm. The only words I have at my disposal to express my sentiment have exaggerated negative connotations.

Your comments here in this forum often strike me as highly prejudicial … and as sweeping generalizations born of a focus on a specific time and place. It vexes me, leaves me feeling as though I am being spoon-fed, even strong-armed. Your motivations and tactics are not so different from persons that espouse, in your terms, the standard LDS approach.

Neither you nor the person is any more convincing than the other. I’m not arguing against the innovation of the Greeks and it’s influence on our society. In a different thread I might applaud it, in fact I access Greek rational to teach principles of art and design daily.

I am arguing against a lack of breadth and the condescension on the board—and I guess I am taking it out on you. I am not as learned, well read as you and other classicists or scholars on this board … but I am no less intelligent and simply do not accept your view as authority, for it comes across in tone as definitive when in fact it is fluid.

And yet the mere mention of fluidity codifies my views and I am relegated to the body of souls who peruse these pages that are conventional, insecure, irrational, and unlearned … censured. And that is where I will stay as I return to my life’s diversions and realms of expertise.

I might read elsewhere that I take things too personally. Good! Then I am playing to my strengths.

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