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Old 03-16-2006, 03:15 PM   #11
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Archaea, do you not see the inconsistency? Homosexuals are saying, "Let us get married and have committed relationships and families," while Mormons are saying, "Keep your sexual perversions to yourself!" It's not the right to have gay sex in the privacy of their homes that they're trying to get - they'll do that regardless, just like unmarried heterosexuals will do it, as well.
That’s not what homosexuals are saying, their ultimate goal is to gain acceptance, to force others to see the world from their perspective, to belittle and tear down faith and label religious expression as hate. Homosexual marriage cannot be confined to the little bubble you have constructed; acceptance of the practice has far reaching consequences that will alter all individuals’ right to freedom of expression.

I understand that you live with a brother who is gay and suffer watching his social anguish, and I am sorry for the hate he has and will continue to face in his lifetime. Regardless his lifestyle is now a part of the above stated agenda.

But you don't, because you continually reference their sexual orientation. Face it - if you've got a gay file clerk, he's not the "file clerk" - he's the "gay file clerk." Why do LDS homosexuals uniformly feel ostracized if we're treating them based on their merits, rather than based on their sexual orientation?
The agenda is real, powerful and significant in our society –I have first hand experience with its influence. I attended college where a significant number of the population is gay. I studied, created art, ate lunch and dinner and interacted with homosexuals on a daily basis. I listened to and read the homosexual agenda virtually every week of my four years … I have since returned to school for advanced degrees and as a FUNDAMETAL part of the curriculum I must now study and report on the homosexual agenda.

Each time I attend class and open my mouth I am assailed for my beliefs, the condescension is ruthless and degrading. I am always referred to as the straight, religious, American, married with four kids (which is always accompanied by rolling eyes and copious amounts of ‘what an idiot’ attitude) white guy. The hate that has been directed at me is REAL and unnerving. For every time I have labeled a person gay, I in turn have been labeled intolerant and stupid. My thought process, belief system, upbringing is always portrayed as WRONG and unfortunate.

It’s easy to play the victim –a role that ALL homosexuals relish. I do not hate homosexuals, but I am well aware of the tremendous disdain most homosexuals have for me, my CHOICES, belief system and lifestyle.
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