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Old 09-19-2007, 01:10 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Cali Coug View Post
I am still failing to see your point in this thread.

You are asking if Mormons are supposed to keep practicing their beliefs after their missions. The answer, obviously, is yes. You then note that not all Mormons live their beliefs after their missions. My response: duh.

You appear to be hoping you can conclude from your line of argumentation that the Mormon religion is not good at teaching its members to do what they believe; if that is the case, you totally lost me.

Extrapolating a conclusion from a small sample size (in this case, a handful of people) onto a church of millions is a logical fallacy at its finest. You appear to realize that fact, given your resistence to accept that Islam is failing because many terrorists are Muslim. You don't want people to extrapolate that Islam is a bad religion from a few examples of Islamic terrorists. At best you are being inconsistent. At worst, you are being deceitful and a troll.
Its truly encouraging that you keep trying to answer my question, instead of constantly beating around the bush!
you are close enough ,nevertheless ,let me get crystal clear in here.

It seems that I am still confused about this whole mission thing .. as i know ..missionaries are supposed to meet people around the world and invite them to thier religion (mormonism). so the thing they do is actually knocking down a current idealogy and offering a genuinely new belief system to the people ..
so now the questions raise in here .. shouldnot these misssionaries be qualified /convinced/ devoted enough to follow thier church teachings befor ,during and after the mission???
wouldnot you agree that it might be better to have a highly organized missionary training system which is dedicated to provide educated , invigorated people who are honored to convey the church message to the world??
dont you think that doing those dumb acts (as you described it) oftenly by missionaries( who are expected to convert people) might hurt church reputation and credibility?
i sincerly hope that it wouldnot be arduous for you to distinguish my intention to start this thread..
I'm smart and I know it.
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