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Old 09-19-2007, 12:36 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by non sequitur View Post
So, if the cops that beat up Rodney King had warned him that they were going to beat the crap out of him, would they have been justified?
of course not. using a taser is certainly better than using batons.

If I had been the cop, he would have been thrown face down. I would have had a knee in his back, pressing HARD. His arm would be around his back, and twisted HARD, with my weight then against that arm, to free me up to grab his other arm, and apply cuffs.

Notice the number of women cops? Sometimes strength matters, with a dildo like that. You want women as cops you are going to have to use methods beyond what I have described.

People that deal with psychiatric patients are trained to avoid physical conflict through various judo-like techniques. The techs are taught to be able to take people down without hurting them. Restrain them, and give involuntarily injections with uncooperative violent patients. These cops didn't look very adept at that. So that's where I find them incompetent.

WHen you are the perp, you need to take these things into account. Who is more likely to shoot me? The 6'8" 275lb linebacker who can toss me like a leaf, or the 5'0" 80lb cop, as I'm dancing around, avoiding arrest, hitting.

This guy, in different situations, but with the same behavior, might see himself get killed some day.
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