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Old 08-23-2007, 12:10 AM   #5
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I haven't really thought much about next year yet, but I also definitely need some goals to keep me motivated during those mind-numbingly long hours on the trainer in the winter in the garage. A couple of my initial thoughts about next year:

- I would love to do a half ironman. I've been picking Archaea's brain for some good events nearby and I think I should be able to pull it off. The bike portion will be a piece of cake. The run should be doable without too much trouble. The swim may very well kill me. I would just be looking to finish and feel decent at the end.

- I think I'll take the year off the Death Ride. One of my newbie buddies wants to do it in 2009 (he doesn't think he'll be ready next year. I disagree.). Its a great ride and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again, I just don't know if it will fit in my training with everything else going on.

- I will probably end up doing the Tour of the Unknown Coast again despite my miserable experience this spring. This will make 4 years in a row. Uggh.

- The Sawtooth Century sounds fun. I just looked it up - Sun Valley is 700 miles from here. Thats a long way for a weekend ride, but we'll see when we get closer.

Other than that, my buddies are still trying to get me to do a couple of road races in the 4/5 category. There are also a few local centuries that are good options if the calendar is open.

Any other ideas?
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