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Old 08-11-2007, 02:59 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by creekster View Post
The only evidence I can present is anecdotal, as is yours. Within my experience, however, men are far too willing to relinquish leadership on a variety of roles involving fellowshipping, missionary work (in a social sense, no in door knocking), in preparing and presenting social events, and in shouldering their fair share of the load in these areas. Leadership in the priesthood is more than simply showing up when someone needs a blessing, or popping up to bless the sacrament. It is leadership in all facets of the gospel, including those mentioned. My statements here should not be construed to mean that I think men are abject failures in all aspects of their responsibilities, or that women are necessarily doing too much. Instead, I think only that many men are too willing to joke about their willingness to rely on women for too much.

On balance, this shouldn't be overstated. It is, after all, only a pet peeve, not an indictment of the system or of my own gender.
I think I see what you are talking about a little more. It is maybe that men are more introverted? I'll sing my wife's praises again as an example. I cam home a few days ago and she had obviously been busy preparing a pretty elaborate meal but I couldn't see what she had done with it.

Me: Where is all the food you cooked?

Her: I took it to Frank and Carol.

Me: Who?

Her: (Looking at me like I'm dumb) Our neighbors.

Me: Oh. Are they new in the neighborhood or something?

Her: (Now looking at me as if to say, how did I wind up with you) No they have been a few doors down for a year and she just had a baby.

The point is, she has gone out of her way to not only know our neighbors names but to know what is happening in their lives and think of a way to serve them. Could just be personalities, but if what you are saying is that this is the sort of thing women do much better at than men (for example) then I whole heartedly agree.
The Bible tells us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go. -Galileo
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