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Old 08-03-2007, 07:28 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Jeff Lebowski View Post
That's just bullshit, Indy, and you know it. There are plenty of threads where I have articulated my viewpoint in detail. You just choose to ignore that fact when it suits you.

You want my viewpoint on this thread? OK. The topic of this thread is your argument that many posters immediately assume that you believe the opposite of the poster simply because you point out a what you consider to be a fallacy in the reasoning. I think both Adam and BYU71 made excellent points about your tendency to nitpick at tangential issues or to speak in absolutes that paint yourself into a corner. I agree with both of those points but I think it goes farther than that. The reason you often get the reaction you do over here is because you cultivate it. There is an element of condescension and self-righteousness running through almost all of your posts. The thread started by Requiem the other day about choirs is a good case in point. You came late to the discussion and eventually made some decent points but they were couched in your typical condescending, holier-than-thou tone. Your first response was to put down everyone and everything in the thread:

This was in spite of the fact that most of the posters had suggested that Requiem pursue the issue with the bishop in a peaceful manner, not putting him on the defensive. This is your standard M.O., Indy. You see yourself as some defender of truth and righteousness correcting all of us "borderline apostates" on CG. And then you have the balls to whine about being misunderstood. You follow a similar pattern with sports posts. Your well-documented condescension towards Ute fans and your whitewashed outlook on all things related to BYU football are legendary.

And I stand by my original comments on irony. For you to claim that you are misunderstood in spite of the fact that you post either here or over on CB every 35 seconds is quite a statement. I think you are struggling to accept the fact that maybe the problem is you. Or perhaps you really are misunderstood. In which case you must be an incredibly poor communicator.

Finally, I call bullshit on your claim that this thread is not about you specifically but that it applies "in general". If that were indeed true, it would mean that you alone somehow are able to magically discern what others "really believe". You can make that claim for yourself, but not others.
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