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Old 08-02-2007, 01:08 PM   #1
AKA SeattleNewt
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Originally Posted by mindfulcoug View Post
we arenot obliged to wear chador (iranian version of burqa). no ..but yes some women who arenot able to embrace hijab concept might complain..
Does this type of stuff really happen or is the reporting overblown?

Iran's nationwide crackdown on fashions deemed un-Islamic has resumed in full force this week, at least throughout the capital, having slowed in the late spring. Vice police have established checkpoints and are stopping women in cars or walking along the streets with too much hair spilling out of their mandatory head coverings, or wearing open-toed sandals without socks or overcoats deemed too revealing. Men wearing tight T-shirts or boasting racy haircuts have also been targeted in a campaign to stamp out perceived Western cultural influences.

"The police will act against those whose trousers are too short, who have skintight coats, shirts with Western logos, and Western hairstyles," Ahmad Reza Radan, the head of Tehran's police force, said on Iranian television this week, according to the Associated Press. "We will ask those arrested where they bought their clothes and where they had their hair cut so those outlets can be closed down."

"Some young people, either intentionally or unknowingly, are walking advertisements for Western sexual deviancy and satanic cults," he told the Iranian Students News Agency.

Since assuming power in a revolution 28 years ago, Iran's Shiite Muslim clerical leaders have demanded that Iranians abide by strict dress codes that adhere to what they consider Islamic principles. In recent years, many young Iranians have begun to flout those rules. Iranians have become used to the periodic government-sponsored fashion crackdowns on the streets and in other public spaces.
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