Thread: Minimum Wage
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Old 07-26-2007, 03:18 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by il Padrino Ute View Post
Ok, I'll concede that people without the funds do need to be able to apply for grants and student loans.

I see now that I was unclear in my comments. When I say that there is no reason for anyone in this country to not be successful, I mean that they need to get of their asses and do whatever they have to do to be successful. How many people are not willing to get a high school education and then do all the necessary work to get student loans or grants? Those are the ones I'm talking about.

I earned my education paid for with baseball by countless hours in a batting cage and busting my hiney in catcher's gear and getting behind the plate to have thousands and thousands of baseballs thrown in the dirt to learn how to block the ball. Nobody in the government helped me do that. I did what I had to do to get to the point of trading baseball for an education and then busted my ass in school to get through in 3 years instead of 4. I then went to a private mortuary school and worked full time away from school in order to not have student loan debts after I finished.

If that makes me arrogant, so be it. I just don't understand how people underestimate what others do in order to "make it on their own". Perhaps we have different definitions of what that is?
I'm also late to the party here, but I'll add another twist. Besides these comments, which are great, I'll add that no one who works hard at a minimum wage job stays there forever anyway.

Even as a fast food employee, if you work hard and apply yourself, you can move up the ranks without much difficulty. You don't have to go to college to make a good wage--it may take longer to get there, but heck, isn't college at least 4 years?

Minimum wage is a tax on employers which gets passed on to consumers, all just to give a few teenagers the chance to download a few more iTunes songs. Some of you might remember my minimum wage posts from CB ... I have a good friend who's a restauranteur and he can tell you stories about where the rubber meets the road.
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