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Old 07-16-2007, 01:38 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Whitney64 View Post
I will soon wed a woman whose father having completed service in Europe was slated to as part of the first artilary division for the invasion of Japan had the invasion been continued WITHOUT the bomb. My own father, a Naval aviator, was also slated to fly fighter cover for the US Army during the planned invation, plans which were finally released under the FOIA a few years ago. Based on statistical probailities from that report, it is very ikely that one or both or those men would have lost their life without HIROSHIMA and NAGASAKI.

Let me be perfectly clear about your revisionist and pacifist ideals. They don't have meaning in the real world. They do have meaning in terms of who GOT to be born and who had fathers (or mothers) after the war was over. Thousands among generations of Japanese people were never born as the bomb ENDED their lines. Thousands of American lines were continued because the BOMB was dropped. I am here. They never were. I feel NO GUILT and NO SHAME over my presence.

I do feel complete and utter disgust when someone canot see the realities of war and when evil men make it and start it without counting the ultimate costs. AMERICA DID NOT START THE WAR ON ISLAM. It is however a war and we darn well better face the reality that if it's a fight they truly want to bring to us (as with 9/11) then it is a fight they better be prepared for and must be willing to accept that ultimately, we will not allow SATAN's plan of compulsory obsesience to survive, or any of his fallowers should they be so inclined to do us harm.

To quote the late apostle Bruce R. McConkie in his LAST public discourse and not long before drawing his own last mortal breath, "There is NO BUDDAH, there is NO CONFUCIOUS and there is NO ALLAH....."

SATAN demanded compulsory adhearance to his plan. He guaranteed GOD strict compliance and perfection. God said, "NO!" God clearly wanted us to choose to serve him and love him. Free Agency...there is none in ISLAM!

I was once very tolerant of ISLAM and I have many Muslim friends. But I am no longer tolerant of evil and it is truly an oppression and all such oppression that kills the light within it's people and destroys their hearts and returns to the bare and naked chest of men the work of hatred has no place in God's world. We should LOVE the people, but we must also see ISLAM for what it is, a shaken pillar of hate and deception. There was NO vision in the desert, only the delusions of a thirsty boy who found moisture and shelter from the sun in a cave.
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