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Old 07-12-2007, 03:05 PM   #208
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Originally Posted by SeattleUte View Post
Postmodernism is "unadulterated bullshit."

"But don't the postmodernists claim only to be 'playing games'? Isn't it the whole point of their philosophy that anything goes, there is no absolute truth, anything written has the same status as anything else, no point of view is privileged? Given their own standards of relative truth, isn't it rather unfair to take them to task for fooling around with word-games, and playing little jokes on readers? Perhaps, but one is then left wondering why their writings are so stupefyingly boring. Shouldn't games at least be entertaining, not po-faced, solemn and pretentious?"

--Richard Dawkins,824,n,n

Dawkins says that postmodernists are "intellectual imposters with nothing to say." I read on FAIR boards that postmodernism has a strong attraction among "Mormon intellectuals." I'd say postmodernism is the last refuge of those who fear and loath empiricism.
Appearantly the irony of Dawkins comments and even whole book/works is not only lost on him but you? Postmodernists are laughing at him and not in a kind way. To call me even indirectly an "intellectual imposter" is a compliment!

I have a great deal to say, I just don't follow the rules and as your quote aptly points out I make up my own games becasue I don't need the imposed infrustructure of the establishment in order to spew my version of the truth.

You can cling to your manufactured, establishment sanctioned truth as much as you like and hope beyond hope that it will save you from yourself. Ultimately it will fail as it has failed every soul on this mortal planet:

And please STOP framing every argument in imbittered LDS laothing terms. Argue honestly and not out of FEAR and ANGER. We all know deep down you feel the Church is good and true ... and that the intellectual imposter is you!
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