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Archaea 07-08-2006 06:26 PM

Given the complete political war against Bush
which really is an attack on Republicans,

the rest of the populace should conduct an all out war on Democrats, where every single Democrat is heckled mercilessly, where nothing but hatred is espoused and we render the political process completely irrelevant.

It already is irrelevant for a large portion of the population who refuse to participate. We should make it irrelevant for all.

It won't happen, but there should be viotriol, hatred at every turn. If Rocky, the Democratic answer to David Duke, were hated, screamed at and berated at every restaurant, at every speaking engagement and could never have peace, we would render the political process irrelevant.

The Democratic leadership in Congress should be berated and never should have one moment's rest. They should be shouted down, now that all civility is gone, let's make it more uncivil. Make it unbearable to be a politician.

This would be effective political warfare.

Now that's a war I would pay to watch. Could you imagine how much fun if our politicians were pilleried with tomatoes and eggs everywhere they went. We could have the Comedy Channel follow them around.

Venkman 07-08-2006 06:43 PM

Rocky is an ass. He needs to grow up.

il Padrino Ute 07-08-2006 09:22 PM

Interesting idea. I wouldn't mind seeing Dems shouted down everywhere they went.

I don't think Rocky being screamed at would happen in SLC as the residents in SLC are generally too nice to do somethikng like that. However, I'd love to see it happen, as he'd probably either cry or holler back and look like an even bigger idiot.

I'd most love to see Mrs. Clinton get shouted down in public appearances. If anyone deserves it, it's her.

fuegote 07-09-2006 12:16 AM

Rocky was being taped crossing a street for a story some news station was doing on the new cross walk flags.

My brother pulled up in his car while Rocky was crossing and my brother bood him until he was off the street

MikeWaters 07-09-2006 12:20 AM

I get a real chuckle out of people who think that republicans and democrats are different.

Usually these are people who support the flag burning amendment.

Colly Wolly 07-09-2006 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by fuegote
Rocky was being taped crossing a street for a story some news station was doing on the new cross walk flags.

My brother pulled up in his car while Rocky was crossing and my brother bood him until he was off the street

Good for your brother. Rocky is a chump.

UteStar 07-09-2006 04:47 AM

What is funny is that over the past 6 years, all we hear about is how the media attacks republicans and how they hate Bush. You know, it is the same with Clinton when he was in office. HOw many millions of news stories did we see about Monica Lewinsky and his sexual escapades. The media jumps on any story that is interesting or wild or big...Clinton was hated vehemently by the right. Can you imagine if Hillary is elected president. I think the republican right may just spontaneously explode at the mere thought of it.

Yes, there is a hatred of Bush and of his politics. He is heckled unmercilessly. But if you think that has been soley reserved by democrats, you have a short memory. I can think of few people hated more by a large group of people than Hillary and Ted Kennedy. The media pounces on whomever is in the spotlight and the republicans and the democrats happily berate and heckle the other side.

Our political process is polarizing and tiring. A republican will go on and on about how they are misrepresented and hated by the other side...and give it a day, and the democrat will make the same speech about the republicans.

Archaea 07-09-2006 05:51 AM

This was how expected the discussion to devolve.

However, I truly mean it; we need a political revolution, but without a complete cleansing of the body politic, nothing will happen. It is rotten to its very core. Our body politic has contracted a fatal, yet slow killing disease, It is incurable, save we excise large organs and replace them with new synthetic ones.

Mind you, I don't seeing Americans having the heart to do it.

It would require somebody understanding mob psychology getting some to sacrifice for the whole, but it will be a long drawn out death or a shorter very painful surgery and recovery.

All national politicians are no longer believers in anything, they work truly behind the scenes for matters we know not, then they spout rhetoric solely to rally the troops.

It would head them off at the pass, if we rendered all of them as proverbial eunuchs. Let hatred rise up and engulf them. It would catch them off guard. It would need to be so visceral that nothing could defend it.

However the very intensity of the emotion would necessarily turn off many who are uninitiated to political warfare. So it is at best implausible. However it would be fun to experiement at the local level with Rocky and perhaps with assorted others.

Machiavelli really understood the body politic. (PS I know this sounds crazy, just thinking through an idea, which will never be).

RockyBalboa 07-09-2006 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by UteStar
What is funny is that over the past 6 years, all we hear about is how the media attacks republicans and how they hate Bush. You know, it is the same with Clinton when he was in office. HOw many millions of news stories did we see about Monica Lewinsky and his sexual escapades. The media jumps on any story that is interesting or wild or big...Clinton was hated vehemently by the right. Can you imagine if Hillary is elected president. I think the republican right may just spontaneously explode at the mere thought of it.

Yes, there is a hatred of Bush and of his politics. He is heckled unmercilessly. But if you think that has been soley reserved by democrats, you have a short memory. I can think of few people hated more by a large group of people than Hillary and Ted Kennedy. The media pounces on whomever is in the spotlight and the republicans and the democrats happily berate and heckle the other side.

Our political process is polarizing and tiring. A republican will go on and on about how they are misrepresented and hated by the other side...and give it a day, and the democrat will make the same speech about the republicans.

Does it happen on both sides? Obviously.

Can one compare what Clinton had to put up with in terms of outright hatred and vitriol to what Bush has? Lol....not even close.

non sequitur 07-09-2006 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by RockyBalboa
Does it happen on both sides? Obviously.

Can one compare what Clinton had to put up with in terms of outright hatred and vitriol to what Bush has? Lol....not even close.

Clinton put up with quite a bit. Especially from the far right. They went after him hard, but the fact of the matter is that Clinton was an extremely charismatic person; nothing ever stuck to him (much like Ronald Reagan). Bush, on the other hand, is the exact opposite of charismatic. I think the reason he gets hit with so much crap is because he's such and easy target.

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