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ChinoCoug 05-27-2014 05:26 PM

UCSB student unsuccessful with women, kills 6 in vengeance

The Eurasian student thought life was unfair because other men snatched all the women. He said he constantly faced rejection from women. That I can emphasize with. He drove a BMW and bought nice clothes in order to attract women.

So you would think he was turned down repeatedly for dates and got friendzoned all the time. Nope. His idea of "putting myself out there" was sitting on bench where there were lots of girls. Girls rejected him by not talking to him. His idea of rejection also included a girl he didn't know not saying hi back to him.

He probably had no information network, due to a lack of friends. Still, can't he use Google? He spent time on a forum, wherein failed PUA techniques were discussed. But there's no evidence he did anything but rant about his lack of success.

SeattleUte 05-27-2014 05:59 PM

He was insane.

MikeWaters 05-28-2014 03:02 AM

I haven't watched his video nor read his writings. But I have heard that his versions of being turned down did not really fit with a social IQ anywhere near normal. Which fits with the idea that this was someone with a few loose screws from the outset and didn't really have anything to do with women's reaction to him.

Archaea 05-28-2014 12:58 PM

he was insane and a moron.

I have only read a few statements quoted on CNN, not a good source of that I am aware.

The sad part is, anti-gun freaks will use his insanity as a reason to eliminate liberty. Yet, when confronted with the murders by knife, nobody is clamoring for the elimination of cutlery.

Security in exchange for liberty. Yikes.

MikeWaters 05-28-2014 03:41 PM

Kill some white women, big deal in this country. Kill some Asian males, yawn.

Chino, let me give you some unsolicited dating/courtship advice. It all starts with you. Know who you are. Have confidence in your core self. "I know who I am, I know what I am about. My core values are internalized and apparent in what I say and do." This is easier said than done. Some people really struggle with this. Secondly, recognize that the most important core trait in a spouse is their goodness. And by that I mean just being a good, decent, reliable human being who gives a damn about his/her spouse. Good looks, nice ass, etc. aren't going mean a thing 10 years down the road. The same goes for you. Are you a good person? And is that apparent. In some ways this expands the dating pool, and in other ways it narrows the dating pool. I know that we are "programmed" to be attracted to attractive mates. This programming often fails to consider the goodness in others. If you have confidence in yourself, you are not going to have any hint of desperation about yourself. You are not going to try stupid and shallow things to impress your date. You are going to let things unfold as friends do. And then maybe something will work out.

All or none of this may apply to you. Just my 2 cents.

ChinoCoug 05-28-2014 04:49 PM

Thank you, I can always hear more about pathways to confidence. In the PUA community "impressing girls" is frowned upon because that's considered "supplication" and is counterproductive.

I actually don't have it nearly as bad as he does. It's not that hard to get a date around here (given the ratios). But I can tell some of his feelings are genuine.

Archaea 05-28-2014 05:15 PM

You obviously have some good intelligence and probably some other good traits. Mike's advice about seeking out a decent, good human being is prudent. You will find enough, healthy, attractive good women to date and who will reciprocate. As Mike states, being a good person, who takes care of himself and is confident and knows what he wants will lead to find a good partner. Just keep doing activities you enjoy.

ChinoCoug 05-28-2014 06:08 PM


MikeWaters 05-28-2014 06:43 PM

Partial list of negative traits that should be avoided:

Doesn't communicate feelings
Talks about feelings too much
Narcissistic (too into himself)
Dependent (needs others as a crutch)
Doesn't know who he is
Doesn't know what he wants
Knows everything (inflexible)
Too serious
Not serious enough
Arousing feelings of discomfort in others

If I were single I would pursue activities of interest (work and sports and hobbies) and in the course of that would probably meet some people. Starting from a common base is helpful. I would probably be least interested in blind dates and other kinds of venues that were random (bars, clubs, etc.). I would definitely try online dating, as that would allow me to do some filtering for some vary basic things (like can they string a sentence together). I personally think ward scenes can be difficult, but maybe that's just me.

MikeWaters 05-28-2014 06:57 PM

In context of this crime....

One should avoid objectifying women. Whether positively or negatively.

This is a real person. With a real history, real desires and hopes. She is interesting and I would like to get to know the real her. And I hope she wants to know the real me. If I can communicate through my actions that I am sincerely interested in her as a human being, then that will open up doors that would be otherwise closed.

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