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Archaea 08-19-2005 01:28 AM

Banned by Cougarboard for discussing Cougarguard
two day suspension.

Wow, that's surprising.

MikeWaters 08-19-2005 01:46 AM

arch, now *I'm* going to have to ban you for 2 days here for discussing cougarboard!

MikeWaters 08-19-2005 01:49 AM

831 donors. Many people (like me) have donated more than once. Trust me, if it's costing 8000 dollars to host that site over 2 to 4 years, something is very, very wrong.

OhioBlue 08-19-2005 02:27 AM

banned for discussing cougarguard??? Seriously? What'e being left out in this story, Arch. Surely it can't be that simple.

Sometimes the levying of penalties on that site just makes me wonder.

SteelBlue 08-19-2005 02:44 AM

Where did you discuss it Archaea? Was it in a post or in chat? I wonder why they come down on this site but not the daily herald site or utefans etc... Seems a bit ridiculous to me.

MikeWaters 08-19-2005 03:05 AM

El Jefe would classify this site as "competing" therefore "promoting" it is against his rules.

Call me crazy, but I bet he's keeping a close eye on us.

Archaea 08-19-2005 04:23 AM

I asked in a private chat a friend to come look at the site
and my chat was interrupted and I received an immediate two ban.

He said I was advertising. I appealed on the basis I receive no remuneration for encouraging friends for also checking out this site.

MikeWaters 08-19-2005 04:24 AM

is cougarboard case law or statute the basis of your appeal?

Archaea 08-19-2005 04:25 AM

common sense
of course I'll make more money by not being there.

JazzyUte 08-19-2005 04:43 AM

That's ridiculous. Maybe if they didn't run CB like communist Russia or Nazi Germany, members wouldn't be fleeing faster than white people in Detroit.

Archaea 08-19-2005 04:46 AM

Well I like the functionality of that board
many of the members, and Steve is fine, but sometimes they take themselves too seriously.

It must really be related to finances. Here we have fun and make no money. There they limit the fun and make money.

Archaea 08-19-2005 04:53 AM

My appeal was rejected of course
Description: Advertising for
Probation: The moderator gave a 2-day probation associated with this penalty.
Appeal: Advertising implies one makes money or is paid to make money.

I have posted nothing advertising, and have merely spoken to friends about supplements, never demeaning this site.

Strictly speaking, advertising would require monetary gain. Any participation in these boards actually results in monetary loss.

Thank you for your consideration.
You are currently on probation, and are not allowed to post.
Your probation period will expire on August 20, 2005 at 3:52pm.

SoCalCoug 08-19-2005 01:48 PM

I thought about CougarGuard when I was on CB. What's going to be my penalty for that?

I'm sure they're keeping a close eye on me over there - I feel like a rebel living on the edge. :wink: I actually posted a reply to a thread asking people's opinions about evolution - really pushing the limit there - I asked for a clarification on what they meant by "evolution" and all of a sudden, I'm banned for a day.

SoCalCoug 08-20-2005 03:10 AM

First rule of Cougarboard: Don't discuss CougarGuard!

ute4ever 08-20-2005 03:55 AM

A quarter of the posts on Cougarboard are about

So it's okay to talk about the enemy's board, but not about a fellow Cougar site.

Case closed that El Jefe is only in it for the money.

I wonder if I'll get suspended there because of this post here.

MikeWaters 08-20-2005 04:02 AM

hey maybe we should make it "uteguard" and then we can spam the hell out of cougarboard...

SoCalCoug 08-20-2005 04:03 AM

So if someone manages to find the limit here, and gets banned, are we going to be allowed to talk about the banishment?

MikeWaters 08-20-2005 05:07 AM

no, not if you wear a trashbag on your head.

non sequitur 08-20-2005 05:09 AM

I'm about done with CougarBoard. . .
It's getting more and more like Junior High, with Jefe as the uptight vice principal. Kind of like Mr. Strickland in Back to the Future.

MikeWaters 08-20-2005 05:13 AM

The problem is that he ends up shutting down the more intelligent folks, and all you have left is the blather. It's non-important non-sports blather. And frankly, it's boring.

Personally, I think if El Jefe were smart about this, he would do the business stuff, and he would let someone else handle the content side of things, and not one of his current moderators. But on the other hand, it's gotten so big, that you've sort of lost the hometown feel of the place.

And we'd be remiss not to mention how the threading of posts affects the nature of a place. There, gems disappear in an instant. Here, the best stuff (hopefully) keeps rising to the top. A different approach.

Dan 08-20-2005 10:03 PM

Jefe sees this ...
... board as a competitior, therefore he will not tolerate references to it. The Ute board(s) do not really detract from his 'client' base, so he has no problem with links to it. Still, it makes you wonder why it is ok to reference, as it has an active discussion board. He even allows article links from the site. It leads me to believe he has it in, specifically, for this site. It makes sense as the members of this board would pretty much come from his board on a 1 for 1 basis, so there is almost a complete, direct relationship.

It should make Jefe realize his board is SEVERELY lacking in some significant ways if a number of his longstanding personalities want to spend more time on another board to discuss things not allowed on his site. He is sort of acting like a Microsoft in its attempts to strangle out the competition. I like his board and I will still spend time there, but I have been a vocal voice in the past with him and the moderators to open up discussion more (I am a "Committee" member after-all). This site allows for the things I was hopeful would be allowed there. I am not alone in this apparently.

It is just a matter of time before religious discussions are allowed with more depth over there. They are already planning for it to a degree, but if this board is having success, it will force more change over there to try to prevent more loss of 'clientele'.

Archaea 08-20-2005 10:09 PM

Somebody made a valid point
that Jefe would be better off running the technical matters, and perhaps business, while allowing others to moderate.

His moderation tendencies are borderline weird and over the board.

His software there is very good. And with the volume there is constant discussion. However, I do not believe he will ever allow the nature of discussion allowed here.

Mind you, none of us want this to be an anti-Mormon site, and it needn't be an apologetic site, but honest inquiry should be allowed.

An occasional barb should be allowed.

Jefe has the mentality that many in the Honor Code have, shoot first and ask questions later.

Yz Guy's penalty is an example of Honor Code office abuse, and Jefe's severe limitation on religious discussion is another. They are intending to allow some, but I gather it won't allow some of the stuff already discussed here.

Dan 08-20-2005 10:17 PM

You are probably right Arch ...
... I cannot see an AG thread going over on that site. I just hope people don't get the wrong view of me after too many posts here. Some will probably think I am a borderline apostate. I am probably aptly described as a heretic, but the topics that interest me and draw my comments are the more controvercial topics. I have no qualms about revealing warts and being a straight shooter (LOL, no sexual innuendo meant with that sentance!). So people tend to think I am borderline, when in fact I am a believing Mormon. I believe some things differently than most, but I believe the important things, e.g., that God lives, that Jesus is the Savior, that we are here to learn to love ALL mankind. If we obtain this love and are bestowed with Charity (the greatest gift of God), then we attain true at-one-ness with God, because God is love. Though we could work miracles, if we do not have this charity, we are NOTHING. Moroni 7, IMO, the greatest chapter of ALL scripture. The gospel is faith, repentance, baptism of water and fire. That is all there is too it. The rest of the stuff is just window dressing and can be debated ad-nauseum. That is why none of that stuff affects my testimony. In the big picture, it all doesn't matter, only the things I mentioned really matter, IMO. Sorry for the soap box testimony.

Archaea 08-20-2005 10:21 PM

I agree
the core stuff is true, the window dressing interesting but I am not smart enough to discern all the wheat from the chaff.

We enjoy your thoughts. I am not afraid to discuss something which is simply murky, and am ready after discussion to shelve it for another time until I can view it with another perspective.

SoCalCoug 08-22-2005 06:09 AM


no, not if you wear a trashbag on your head.
It's not a trashbag! It's a freakin' alien mind control helmet. Idiot!

MikeWaters 08-22-2005 06:24 AM

I want to point out that the A-G conversation took place over days, and that wouldn't happen on cougarboard, the way the software is setup.

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