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marsupial 07-19-2008 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by MikeWaters (Post 244444)
better question: why suggestions that cosmetic surgery is wrong in talks by GAs (while presumably not in handbook), but no talks on vasectomies, despite their being a policy in the handbook?

Have GAs suggested that cosmetic surgery is wrong? I need to pay better attention in conference.

Goat, take note.

danimal 07-19-2008 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by creekster (Post 244445)
You must not have read far enough.

What does it say?

PaloAltoCougar 07-19-2008 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Levin (Post 244432)
My brother got a vasectomy right before he was called as Bishop; it was funny when he told me about reading the Church Handbook.

Someone extremely close to me had the Big Snip four months before being called as Bishop, and did so only after conferring with his wife and urologist--Church authorities were not consulted. But during the calling interview I, I mean the guy really close to me, told the stake president about what had happened, and asked (hopefully perhaps) whether that might disqualify one for office. The stake president, a great guy who went on to serve as mission and temple president in Africa, blew off the concern and said that while such things "aren't recommended," it's ultimately a personal matter and had no bearing on fitness to serve.

But the SP was/is also a big Ute fan, so his inspiration is open to question.

BigFatMeanie 07-19-2008 02:52 AM

Had a vassy. Didn't even think about consulting my bishop although I was well aware of the paragraph in the CHI.

SteelBlue 07-19-2008 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by marsupial (Post 244447)
Have GAs suggested that cosmetic surgery is wrong? I need to pay better attention in conference.

Goat, take note.

Holland talked a little bit about it a few conferences back. He mainly talked about the self-esteem of YW and how it might be affected by seeing adult women getting nipped and tucked. I could be remembering wrong though.

CardiacCoug 07-19-2008 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by PaloAltoCougar (Post 244451)
Someone extremely close to me had the Big Snip four months before being called as Bishop, and did so only after conferring with his wife and urologist--Church authorities were not consulted. But during the calling interview I, I mean the guy really close to me, told the stake president about what had happened, and asked (hopefully perhaps) whether that might disqualify one for office. The stake president, a great guy who went on to serve as mission and temple president in Africa, blew off the concern and said that while such things "aren't recommended," it's ultimately a personal matter and had no bearing on fitness to serve.

But the SP was/is also a big Ute fan, so his inspiration is open to question.

Funny stuff. The first counselor in my current ward is a urologist. He auctioned off a free vasectomy to support the Scouts a few months back and I heard there were several bids. I think the anti-vasectomy statement in the handbook will be gone within 10 years or so.

UtahDan 07-19-2008 01:10 PM

I'm going to thread jack a little, but I sometimes think that we have become the Pharisees in some ways. In Christ's time the law had become so thoroughly developed that there was a law for just about everything. One could count on it to prescribe nearly every aspect of ones life.

Christ spends a lot of time in rebuke of the Pharisees not because they don't fulfill the law, but because they have become so focused on the minutia of the law that they lose sight of the "weightier matters."

Matthew 23:

23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

He chided them for praying on street corners to be seen. He taught them that it was lawful to do good on the Sabbath (even if this was in violation of their law). When asked what the great commandment in the law is, he answered loving God and loving ones neighbor.

Joseph seemed to echo this idea when he talked about teaching correct principles and allowing self governance.

I guess my concern is that the more "laws" we have, particularly with respect to minutia, the more likely we become simply do these and omit the weightier matters: judgment, mercy and faith. What had ought to make us peculiar and set us apart as members of Christ's church? If asked, in my perfect world, it would nice to be able to answer "we are merciful, quick to love and slow to condemn, we cloth the naked and feed the beggar, we constantly seek to good to all men."

I fear that our most distinguishing characteristic (in our behavior not in our doctrine) is still the WOW.

I guess I sometimes feel that the more we are required to do or not do by the law, the more likely we are to feel self satisfied in the fulfillment of the smaller points and fail, as the Pharisees did, to understand that the law is not end but a means. Not a checklist, but a path. The end, the path, is to being like the Savior, which primarily, in my opinion, means loving all as He did and serving and lifting the least among us. Those things that do not point to this end, in my opinion, are not the things that are going to save us and the more of these little things there are for us to think about the more likely we are to believe that they will.

These are my ramblings this morning.

Goatnapper'96 07-19-2008 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by marsupial (Post 244447)
Have GAs suggested that cosmetic surgery is wrong? I need to pay better attention in conference.

Goat, take note.

Look it was your hubbie who made me aware of penis mean I could do something about this?

Goatnapper'96 07-19-2008 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by BigFatMeanie (Post 244452)
Had a vassy. Didn't even think about consulting my bishop although I was well aware of the paragraph in the CHI.

I will join your ranks within the next two or three months. I am open about it conversation so the Bishop might hear about it from via the grapevine, I reckon I will ask him in ward council just to make the Relief Society President uncomfortable.

creekster 07-19-2008 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by danimal (Post 244449)
What does it say?

Sorry, I was just joking.

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