View Full Version : I got the Draft & Drop today...

07-01-2006, 06:50 PM
I was riding along near Davis HS today... Some guy on a Specialized passed me as I was stopped to cear out my sweat band. It was a slight downhill slope so I didn't have to push too hard to catch him.

I drafted him for about a minute or two and then pushed up to take my turn up front. He was nice enough and knew I was back there. I'm pretty sure he knew I was jumping out to let him take a break.


Guy drafts on for a mile or two, pulls along side me and says "Thanks for the draft." Then completely drops me. Considering the speed with which I caught this guy and the way he hung while I was pushing, I figured I had a nice draft coming to me...

I was wrong... Dude dumped me like a bad habbit...

Usually with friends we give the guy who just took a turn up front a few seconds to regroup and jump back in line. I don't know if I was just that hammered that I couldn't link on or if he just blew by and had no intention of letting me grab his wheel...

What is proper solo rider etiquitte when happening upon an impromptu draftnig partner?