View Full Version : New Powerade commercials

04-06-2006, 08:23 PM
Has anyone seen or noticed the new powerade commercials? One of them has the lady with one puny arm and one ripped bicep, and their question is "How much energy do you actually need?"

Their product is a new low-cal energy drink, containing only 10 calories, as compared to the whopping 40 calories that a comparable size drink of Gatorade contains.

Does anyone else have a problem with this? Sure you're saving yourself 30 cals per drink. I assume you're still getting some electrolytes in the drink and that its not just flavored watered. But who cares about a measly 30 cals. From what I've learned, the only people that really need to replace electrolytes and calories are endurance athletes who exercises for more than 60 continuous minutes. Anything less than that in intensity and duration should not require any kind of energy drink supplementation or otherwise.

Am I alone on this? I just think its silly that they are advertising the fact that they have made an inferior product, and I'm also frustrated that people will also like buy their product as a result.

(I'm really not that upset over it. I could care less what they do. Just felt like sounding off on the subject.)