View Full Version : watch out!

03-25-2006, 11:27 PM
25 miles in the saddle today.

I did one interval today, 2.60 miles. I think my avg. was 21.7. Not very good at all. But considering that I have almost zero miles in the saddle, not terrible.

03-27-2006, 03:33 PM
He's back!!!

I snuck in about 35 miles on saturday, part of it during some heavy rain and biting hail. Aside from those 5 minutes, it was actually a very nice ride.

Apart from my "bonk" at Solvang, this was my first hard ride of the year. 3 or 4 intervals above lactate threshold, one very painful for about 5 miles. Throw in a couple of sprints and I was one hurtin' unit.